
The animals are usually very adorable beings, some produce tenderness, especially those that pose in a very nice way before the cameras. Generally, we see dogs, bears, cats, among others; positions or with faces that simply conquer you because they are images full of tenderness.

The images that were selected present the animals displaying their tongues in an unusual way before the cameras. It should be noted that the different animals have the shape of the tongue different from humans. Also, depending on the species of languages, they can be of different shapes, sizes and textures. In the same way, they perform different functions such as eating, washing and even collecting information.

One of the animals that uses its tongue to clean itself are giraffes, since it is very long. Another language that draws attention is that of the blue whale, because it weighs 2.7 tons. What to say about the tongue of snakes or the chameleon that move super fast. Then enjoy these images and tell us which one is your favorite.




















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