
Karens have become a worldwide phenomenon since achieving social media infamy across the globe. In a viral TikTok video, a “Kiwi Karen” was rightfully put in her place for her racist behavior by a TikToker, who goes by the handle, thebuzzykiwi. He posted the same video on his Instagram account with a lengthy caption detailing what took place. He confronted “Kiwi Karen” for hurling racist abuses at an Asian woman who was going about her business at a laundromat in New Zealand. In the video, he stated, “Today I was doing my laundry and this woman began shouting racist slurs at an innocent Asian woman.” Despite other people being around, no one said or did anything about it. Therefore, he took it upon himself to do something about it instead of looking the other way. He added, “As the Asian woman ignored her, the intensity and aggressiveness of the racist slurs increased so I had to step in.”

According to DailyDot, the woman can be heard saying: “She’s a criminal. Stop harassing me, weird guy, drunk addict.” The man quickly interjects and says: “Actually, you’re the one being racist to this poor woman for no reason.” Undeterred, Kiwi Karen replies: “No, no, she’s a criminal,” with seemingly no evidence whatsoever to back her false claims. “I don’t have to participate in her crime and criminal activity.” When he questions her as to what crime the Asian woman had committed, she naturally had none to offer, and in typical Karen fashion, asks him to mind his business as dealing with facts isn’t something she’s familiar with.

“We’re in the laundromat; my (clothes) are in the dryer right now,” the man says. Petulant Karen continues: “I don’t wanna know—go away,” she says plugging her ears. Moments later, the woman can be heard using a local slur and says “Get AIDS and die.” The man, amused by this exchange, bursts out laughing before turning the camera on himself and says: “Oh my God, this is the problem with this country—this,” while pointing to Kiwi Karen. “So this is the poor, lovely woman that [Kiwi Karen] was being racist to, for no reason,” he continues, directing his fingers at the racist woman. “That’s not right,” responds Karen, as the video cuts off.

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