
Internet has made everything easier. From banking to shopping you name a requirement and chances are that there is an app for it. For dating too, there are several apps available and many youngsters, these days, can find a partner by simply swiping their smartphones. If you are thinking of jumping on the online dating bandwagon yourself, then these tips will definitely come in handy.

1. Choose a good photo

Choose a photo that reveals how you look. You wouldn t want a photo taken in a dark place or with some over-the-top effects just to convey that you are mysterious. A study published in the journal Evidence Based Medicine said that your photo should see you wearing a genuine smile. A slight tilt of the head could also enhance attractiveness. Women may wear something red to boost their attractiveness.

2. Don’t just describe yourself; reveal what you are looking for

While your profile is meant to describe yourself and your interests, use it to talk about what you are looking for too. Sometimes, a person might be interested to talk to you because they match your requirement. Saying something like looking for a woman who prefers quiet time spent by the sea, rather than a pub may draw more appropriate responses.

3. Ask open-ended questions

Before the two of you decide to go out on a date, it is likely that you’ll do some online chatting. The more jovial conversation that you have during this phase, the better are your chances of being able to go on a date. During the initial phases, asking questions which have a yes/no answer will lead to awkward silences. Instead, ask questions like How was your day? and How was your school life like?

4. Make sure that your body language is right

Whether it is video chatting or a real date, body language can make or break your chances. It is suggested that you make expressive hand gestures, nod your head when the other person is speaking, sit upright and smile. This will convey that you like the other person and increase the probability of them agreeing to take the relationship further.

5. Be prepared for disaster

You might find someone nice through online dating, but chances of finding someone not-so-nice isn’t bleak too. There is no guarantee that your partner isn’t lying about their qualification, age or relationship status. If these things happen and you are left with a bitter taste, don t blame online dating or give up hope. It is best that you treat the event with indifference, and allow better things to happen to you.

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