
Some people refer to a “mama bear” to talk about the enormous love of a mother who is willing to do anything for the little ones.

A video that recently began circulating on social networks shows us that these are beautiful animals willing to protect their herd at all costs.

Lisha DeShay was driving on a highway when she came across the devastating image of a baby bear in danger.

The images were captured in Florida, United States.

All indications are that a car was passing by at such speed that it injured the innocent animal. The poor bear just lay there, unable to move. He had been injured so badly that he had a serious problem with his legs and could not even stand up by himself, he was still lying in the middle of the road and every second that passed was vital.

The late night car traffic made this place a real danger for bears.

The video has been viewed almost half a million times worldwide.

Fortunately, Lisha realized what was happening and stopped the car. With this simple gesture, he gave the bear and the herd some time to try to get out of there as quickly as possible.

It was then that the one who was certainly the mother of the endangered bear appeared. You can see that he looks up and down the road to make sure that he is looking for the right moment to save the little one.

In all, three bears tried to rescue the baby bear.

She runs to the baby and grabs him by the neck to try to get him out of the way. The poor bear is so hurt that every movement is very painful for him. His mother tries not to hurt him but knows that the most important thing is to get him out of such a dangerous place.

The injured bear was estimated to be less than two months old.

A few seconds later, other adult bears appear and do not hesitate to help. After a long team effort, the little one finally gets away from the cars. His family has risked everything to protect him.

“We need to be more aware and drive much more carefully at night”.