
Adipic acid or hexanedioic acid is the organic compound with the formula (CH2)4(COOH)2. From an industrial perspective, it is the most important dicarboxylic acid: about 2.5 billion kilograms of this white crystalline powder are produced annually, mainly as a precursor for the production of nylon. Adipic acid otherwise rarely occurs in nature,[4] but it is known as manufactured E number food additive E355.

Adipic acid is produced from a mixture of cyclohexanone and cyclohexanol called KA oil, the abbreviation of ketone-alcohol oil. The KA oil is oxidized with nitric acid to give adipic acid, via a multistep pathway. Early in the reaction, the cyclohexanol is converted to the ketone, releasing nitrous acid:

Among its many reactions, the cyclohexanone is nitrosated, setting the stage for the scission of the C-C bond:

Side products of the method include glutaric and succinic acids. Nitrous oxide is produced in about one to one mole ratio to the adipic acid,[5] as well, via the intermediacy of a nitrolic acid.[4]

Related processes start from cyclohexanol, which is obtained from the hydrogenation of phenol.[4][6]

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