
e343Arctotheca /ˌɑːrktoʊˈθiːkə/ is a small genus of flowering plants in the aster family. They are annuals or perennials native to southern Africa.


The following is a list of the accepted species and their native countries:[2]

Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns — Cape Provinces, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho[3]
Arctotheca forbesiana K.Lewin — Cape Provinces[4]
Arctotheca marginata Beyers — Northern Cape[5]
Arctotheca populifolia (P.J.Bergius) Norl. — Cape Provinces, KwaZulu-Natal, Mozambique[6]
Arctotheca prostrata Britten — Cape Provinces, Namibia[7]

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