
When I see a dog that got to this point of neglect, I can’t help but wonder how he got there. Wasn’t there anybody close that could have noticed? Didn’t anybody care? But then I see someone trying to help the dog and I know, somebody did care. Such is the case of Maverick Cain.

He was picked up by animal control on Friday and taken to Montgomery Animal Control Shelter. He was estimated to be around 5 months old but his condition was terrible: he has no hair, his skin is exposed and infected, he’s covered in scabs and sores, his feet are swollen, his joints are tender and he has parasites. His case of mange, although critical, is not contagious to humans or other animals.

So, Montgomery Animal Control Shelter and Texas Animal Society – who often work closely, made a plea to help this dog. How did he get to this point was not important anymore. He’s safe now and he needs their help. Fortunately, two active fosters stepped in: William and Jessica DeForge who at the moment had another 7 dogs under their care. Thanks to them, Maverick has a temporary home since Saturday.

They will provide all the care he needs: the medicines, the soothing baths, the clothes to protect his skin, the towel wraps. They will give him the love that he needs and will make him feel safe. It will take few months to cure his mange but he has a very good chance of becoming an incredible dog that will one day find his forever home.

Jessica says: “My ideal home for him will be one full of love, that will never give up on him … Can you imagine if we never gave the Mavericks of the world a chance? We would all be missing out on knowing some of the most amazing creatures.”

We cannot wait to give you the updates on his development! Meanwhile, if you want to help you can share his story and help him find his permanent home. Or you can donate for his medical expenses following this link. Just watch what a loving creature he already is!

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