
It’s heartbreaking to think that some dogs spend all the best years of their lives in shelters. And that’s precisely what happens all over the world – because without widespread spaying and neutering, there are simply too many animals to take care of.

Take Molly, for example.

She was found as a stray at just 8 months old – and this beautiful dog has now spent 11 years(!) living in a UK animal shelter. There are no doubt dogs just like her in your state.

A good life for her golden years

Celine Di Crocco is a manager at Dogs Trust, Loughborough, and she has gotten to know Molly well, though the dog has been in different kennels over the years.

She said the dog is sweet and the more they’ve gotten to know her, the more they know about what her ideal family would look like.

“Molly is a very special girl with a big heart and we would love her to finally find the home she deserves.”

The sweet old dog seems to prefer women and has a bit of anxiety around men she doesn’t know. So ideally, the shelter wants her to be adopted by a woman living alone.

She very playful though – just look at all the excitement she whipped up for a 10th birthday party, complete with gifts!