
Welcome home!

Nothing’s better after a long flight than to see your loved ones waiting for you with outstretched arms and armed with kisses. And when we say loved ones, that includes not just family and friends, but our furry four legged ones as well.

A dog will love you unconditionally. That’s all he knows. He won’t care about anything else. And when a dog’s human leaves, he gets lonely and misses his human every minute.

This touching moment happened in Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

This dog’s owner left for ten days. Could have been for work or leisure, but to a dog, ten days without his human is an eternity. So the owner’s friend took the dog to the airport to welcome his human back.

Did the dog know?

The pooch waits on the front seat of the pickup with the windows down and he is just looking around wondering what in the world was going on and why he was there. And look at all the people!

He looks to the right and for a moment, he pauses, looks again to confirm what he’s seeing, and jumps out the car window! It’s dad! It’s his human!

The dog loses his footing in his excitement but so what? He gathers himself immediately and makes a run for it. His owner bends down with open arms, more than ready to hug his best friend. It’s been too long!

Human dad even loses his balance as his dog tackles him in his excitement!
They’re both so overcome with joy that they play a little “try and catch me” game. Even a random lady got caught in between the man and his overly happy dog. Not that she cared. It’s so cute!

Man and dog hug each other all while the dog is trying to contain his barking and jumping. Even the other people walking by can’t help but watch and smile at the scene unfolding in front of them.

A viewer commented,

“The Dog is shouting loud and proud showing his emotions how happy he is, that his love owner is back!!!!”

Dogs are priceless. Precious.
“This is why I love dogs so much. Dogs don’t lie and they never hold back from showing how much they love you and need you.”

Says another viewer.

The man eventually lifts his dog up and on to his arms, cradling his best friend like a baby. And the dog cherishes the moment. He lays back on his human’s arms smiling, barking, and kissing his dad. Talk about an outpouring of love!

His owner’s face is pure bliss.
Nothing else was heard outside the airport that evening except for the canine’s happy barking. It shows on the faces of everyone watching behind them. Ten days and the dog is finally with his human. That’s heaven to them.

It must have been really difficult for the man to leave his dog too. But he had to. He probably thought of his best friend on that plane going to his destination and coming back home to Brazil.

There is nothing like the love between a man and his dog. This is just one of the many beautiful moments out there.

Watch this touching reunion between a man and his dog below!

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