
You’ve probably seen it before – Mishka the Husky does a pretty good impression of a human.

In fact, the video of her trying to mimic her owners saying “I love you” has earned over 110 million views since 2011 – and that’s just on the original video. It was uploaded all over the Internet.

Now we know that at least a few of those views were from a rescue dog in Lebanon – a German Shepherd named Noushka.

Sadly, Mishka passed away from cancer in 2017.

But her dad, Matt Gardea, still maintains a YouTube channel and Instagram account full of adventures with the dog – as well as with his younger husky Laika.

There’s no doubt some of the nearly 50k followers on Instagram are there from the Mishka days. The dog became famous for her video.

That’s no surprise – haven’t we all wanted our dogs to tell us they love us just as much as we love them?

More of her videos earned tens of millions of views as she went on to try to mimic the phrases “How are you?” and “Bye bye,” though she never quite got the hang of “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”

But she tried!

Undoubtedly, Mishka’s videos led to many attempts by dog owners to get their pets to do the same thing – and many dogs were probably set in front of the computer screen to see just how it’s done.

Hopefully, it goes without saying that dogs can’t talk (or comprehend YouTube videos). But they can imitate sounds. And because they’re capable of producing different tones with their howls, they can sometimes make a listener think they’re “saying” human words.

But let’s face it, if dogs could talk, chances are they’d let us know some things!

As for Noushka, she was fast asleep when her owner turned on the video. So it probably came as quite a surprise to hear another dog in the house at all.

By the look on her face, we’d say it was a rude awakening.

After that, Mishka’s vocalizations seemed to be extremely confusing.

Certainly, she can tell it’s a dog making those noises, they’re just not dog noises.

Her adorable head cock would suggest she’s trying to figure out precisely what’s going on – to no avail.

Would it help to raise the other ear, perhaps?

She cocks her head to the other side to find out. But alas, the confusion remains.

The adorable pup gives it a few more tries – back and forth.

Then she seems to be pretty disappointed that either the dog went away (because the video ended) or because she hasn’t learned to talk yet (think of the possibilities of requesting more treats directly!)

Finally, the adorable German Shepherd just looks at her owner with a “what the heck just happened? face. But there’s no answer that’ll satisfy her.

After all, explaining YouTube to a dog just isn’t possible.

Of course, that won’t stop people from trying!

Sadly, Noushka will never know she became a viral star just like Mishka. She passed away in 2016, but she left behind a YouTube channel full of adorable videos as well.

Be sure to scroll down below to see the hilarious canine response to Mishka’s viral video.

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