
There are few pleasures in life greater than a big hug from our canine companions after a long, hard day. Snuggling up with our best friend in front of a movie is the perfect way to destress and chill out.

But is there anything more adorable than when one dog shows unconditional love towards another? When Noah Raminick takes his three-year-old corgi out for a walk every day, he witnesses first-hand just how heart-warming dogs can be towards one another.

That’s because his corgi, Wallace, jumps up and cuddles every single dog that they pass on the street. You heard me right, cuddles!

While lots of dogs show affection to others by wagging their tails or sniffing behinds, Wallace likes to replicate the human way of showing love to his buddies. And for a little guy, Wallace manages to wrap his paws all the way around the unexpecting recipients of his hugs.

His owner, Noah, confirms that Wallace just can’t stop himself from hugging every dog that they encounter on their daily walks. He told The Dodo:

“He first hugged his friend Charlie, and we were blown away. They were hugging and kissing. Then he did it to a few other dogs he knows well, and we realized it was a thing.”

Noah is adamant that he didn’t teach Wallace how to hug or embrace other dogs, and he believes it’s something the corgi just picked up because he has such a loving nature. Incredibly, Wallace’s middle name is Casanova, a name that was given to him because of the heart-shaped size of his nose when he was a puppy.

When naming him, little did they know just what a lover boy Wallace would become!

His owners aren’t worried that Wallace’s affections could be taken the wrong way by some dogs, as he always seems to check in advance before jumping on his hind legs and offering a cuddle.

When he approaches other dogs, particularly those he doesn’t know, Wallace gives them a little sniff and waits for their response before jumping up and wrapping his paws around them.

It’s fair to say that Wallace doesn’t have a type, either. Whether it’s a Great Dane or a Beagle, Wallace doesn’t care. If you’re in his path, prepare for a cuddle!

Noah is also grateful that Wallace doesn’t reserve his cuddles exclusively for canines. He says that Wallace loves cuddles from humans just as much as he enjoys dishing them out to dogs, which means his life is full of love, both at home and when he’s out for his daily exercise.

In a year full of lockdowns and new social distancing rules, that means we’re not allowed to hug one another. Isn’t it just adorable that Wallace is taking it upon himself to pick up the baton and show love to other dogs in the only way he knows how?

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