
A woman and her friend were taking an afternoon walk when they heard cries in the distance. They followed the sounds and were astounded by what they saw! Four puppies, less than a month old, were on their own. There was no other human in sight or a mama dog. Who could just leave these babies here like this? The two ladies called a local rescue immediately.

The rescuers arrived quickly. A kind woman picked up each puppy to examine them. Thankfully she had a lot of experience with animals that were dumped like this and was eager to help them. She saw that the puppies were being eaten alive by ticks. Poor babies! Two pups were certainly skinnier than the other two as well. Their condition was very alarming. They put the puppies in a bucket and rushed them to the vet clinic.

The vet cleared two of the puppies to go to the rescue shelter. He said they needed extra calories and treatment for ticks but otherwise, they were okay. Two of the puppies had to stay at the clinic. They were severely anemic from all the tick bites and malnourishment. They needed extra TLC and blood transfusions.

We can’t imagine how scared these puppies must have been. They are so little and belong with their mother. We are grateful that the rescuers took turns staying with the two puppies at the vet while they underwent treatment.

The two healthier puppies are already in their foster homes and are doing great. The other two pups are currently at the vet clinic but continue to improve every day. The blood transfusions perked the puppies up. They are all tick-free and have been treated for parasites.

Thank goodness the woman and friend were taking a walk when they did. If not, it’s unlikely the puppies would have survived. Now all four are doing well. What an amazing rescue! Check it out below.

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