
What would you do if you lost your dog? Put up posters? Send search parties? Leave out their favorite basket in the hopes they’ll return to it? Check local shelters? Well, this dad had tried everything, and after a week he was starting to lose hope. But, his daughter turned up with a big surprise.

“Butters went missing about a week and a half ago,” says Anabel Vargas. “And now we’re on our way home to surprise daddy and Kaylah and Bubbas.”

The Vargas family had left Butterscotch at their Las Vegas home when they went on holiday to California. But, upon their return, he had escaped. And, despite their lost dog posters and rescue attempts, he was nowhere to be found. They searched for twelve days before this happy moment.

Anabel’s sister had been due to pick Butterscotch up the day after they left, but he escaped before she even arrived. The family returned from their holiday as soon as they heard the news.

Anabel’s viral YouTube video picks up after her husband Jesse Arias had spent the morning searching for their dog. She had received a tip of a dog matching Butterscotch’s description near the freeway, so headed over to check it out. A freeway is a dangerous place for a dog.

And she hit gold. She was overjoyed to find their beloved dog alive and healthy, and couldn’t wait to get him back to the family. And, you can see their reactions for yourself in the adorable video. Dad Jesse has the most overwhelmed reaction, running to the car, but their kids are equally cute. They’re all just happy to have their beloved pooch back in their life.

Let us know what you think about this beautiful reunion in the comments, and share with your family and friends.

Warning: in his overjoyed and excited state, Jesse does curse.

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