
A few years ago, an elderly man in Italy was filmed while walking his disabled dog around their neighborhood, in a cart he made himself. The video went viral, with people praising the man for his love for his pet.

If you have a pet, you know that that animal is not just your companion in life, it is a member of your family, and it should be treated that way.

Loving and responsible pet owners would do anything for their pet, they became their protectors, and best friends, in good and bad. However, just like in the case of people, the needs of pets change as they grow old.

This is often a reason for them to end up abandoned, so there are many senior dogs and cats in shelters. Fortunately, some pet owners would never do that to their beloved ones!

One man was captured on video while caring for his older dog and making sure he has a good quality of life!

Namely, a man in Vibo Valentina, Italy, was seen taking his dog out for a walk on a cart!

Back in 2018, Sabrina La Grotteria saw the caring Tonino Vitale and his dog on their regular daily walk. She decided to record them to show the rest of the world the way senior pets should be treated.

Namely, a man in Vibo Valentina, Italy, was seen taking his dog out for a walk on a cart!

Back in 2018, Sabrina La Grotteria saw the caring Tonino Vitale and his dog on their regular daily walk. She decided to record them to show the rest of the world the way senior pets should be treated.

Tonino’s dog, Dylan, was 13 years old and had lost the mobility of his rear legs due to arthritis. The Labrador also had a weak heart and suffered from shortness of breath after even mild exertion.

Therefore, the elderly man took him on a walk around the neighborhood every afternoon, in the cart he has made himself!

In this way, he gave his dog the opportunity to enjoy life outside, without struggling to walk. The fresh air and their walks around the neighborhood positively affected Dylan, and he became more cheerful and started showing signs of alertness.

The sweet video touched thousands of hearts and went viral. Local news outlets were quick to track them down and learn their story.

Tonino said:

“With Dylan, it was love at first sight, ever since it was born. For us, it is a normal gesture to love Dylan, but we are happy to let you know his story. It is a way to sensitize people to the importance of respecting animals.”

He added that he hopes it will teach other people to love, care, and respect animals.

He explained:

“I was surprised by all the hype that was after that video ended on Facebook. For me it is normal, the abnormal are those who have no love for animals, those who think that a puppy is a toy to give to children. Abnormal are those who use violence. I’m normal. “

While the video inspired thousands of comments, Grotteria found a perfect way to sum it up- HUMANITY.

As the duo became celebrities around town, Dylan was soon gifted with a much nicer device that allowed him to get around more easily.

During all the years they spent together, Dylan has provided Vitale and his wife with plenty of comfort and love, so they wanted to pay him back and make his final days as easy as possible.

Not long after, he passed away, but he was undoubtedly much loved and appreciated until the last day.

This is what true love looks like!

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