
When Tasha was found by animal welfare rescuers, she was tied up in a decrepit barn and exposed to the scorching sun in Malta all day.

Neglected and abused, Tasha would prove to be a challenge for her new guardian, dog trainer Darren Alexander. Darren trains and works with dogs in both narcotic and explosive detection and shares Tasha’s story:

“Tasha was found in 2009 in an old farm building in Malta. She was with other dogs for her first few months prior to being rescued.”

“The dogs, Tasha included, spent all of their days under the blazing sun because the farm building had no roof.”

“At first, Tasha was a little timid, especially around men. We have overcome this problem and she is responding well, and she has started to play with us. Her play drive took about 3 months to emerge. She would not chase or play but one day she dropped the ball at my feet and I pushed it away and that was it – “game on”!”

“She has a play drive that is the same level as a working dog. She is very intelligent and has taken to commands very well. She is social around other dogs and more surprisingly, around people. Even strangers are now welcomed. ”

“She loves agility and will quite often leave me behind panting and turning blue. She has also been imprinted with a couple of odours for Narcotic detection, as I come from a working dog background and have worked and trained many dogs.”

But I must admit Tasha was the hardest dog I have ever trained, due to her lack human contact and her general mistrust because of being beaten when a pup.

~ Submitted by Darren Alexander

Darren adds that the other dogs found with Tasha were also saved and the person responsible for their abuse was prosecuted.

Dogs who are rescued never forget the humans who saved them. We are highlighting heartwarming stories of dogs saved from dire situations and then cherished as invaluable family members.

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