
Babies and puppies view the world differently than us adults. For them, everything is WAY bigger, and small obstacles like stairs are insurmountable.

Thankfully, a 1-year-old toddler named Mia is more than willing to teach her puppy, Teddy, how to ascend the big, scary staircase. The sweet moment was caught on camera and shared on YouTube by Life with Malamutes, where it was viewed by over 653,000 all over the world.

In the video’s caption, Mia’s parents explain: “Teddy had never seen stairs before and was intrigued by them so we thought we would show him it’s ok and how to get up them! At first he was a bit worried past the first steps but soon enough he’s flying up and down with his best buddy Amelia.”

Mia is the ideal teacher for Teddy to learn how to climb the stairs – especially since she just learned herself!
Even though she was only one, she had it mastered.

Teddy needed some serious help!

As Mia started climbing, it was clear she was better. By the time she was halfway up the stairs, Teddy was barely on the second step! Mia’s parents get her to slow down finally so she can help out the struggling pup.

Teddy can climb, he’s just a bit slower.

He seems too afraid to fully commit to the action because he’s afraid. Teddy’s human dad decides to get in on the action and help him see how he needs to do it.

The best way? Watching Mia!

“Teddy likes to stick by Mia’s side so he follows her up and then down then up then down haha, great exercise for them!” Mia’s parents added. “We’re also teaching Mia how to safely descend the steps as this applies to any object she then climbs, she needs to go bum first!”

Then the video skips ahead to two weeks later so we can see their progress!

The two speedsters look like stair-climbing pros.

Not only does Teddy already look twice his original size, but his confidence has developed in just two weeks, and he now happily climbs up the steps next to Mia.

It’s now more of a race of who’s going to get to the top first, and one YouTube commenter left in some jokey commentary which we thought would be perfect to go alongside this video:

“And it’s human baby girl for the wi- . . . hold on – late developments! . . . It appears baby dog is receiving a little help . . . This could invalidate the results . . . Okay . . . Baby human one step up from the landing, a couple more to go . . . Uh-oh, here comes baby dog . . . The tension builds . . . Baby dog now on the landing . . . Baby human close to the top . . . And what’s this? . . . Coming from behind . . . Baby dog makes his move with a sudden burst of energy . . . Yes . . . And IT’S BABY DOG FOR THE WIN!!!”

People in the comments couldn’t hold back their love of watching the two adorable babies climb.

“I love how smart Mia is and see’s that Teddy is coming down so she moves to the left out of his way. So adorable!”

“This little girl is not even one full year old and yet here she is climbing stairs like a pro. I find her to be a very advanced, clever, sweet sweet child… Her siblings are almost as cute as she is too!!”

Watch the adorable pair in action below, and repeat after us: “I do not need another baby, I do not need another puppy…”

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