
Sometimes small creatures call for help without us noticing.

Although, even though some do notice, they tend to ignore them and go on with their lives. Maybe only a few are willing to spare a bit of time to help an animal in need, just like these restless puppies that these rescuers found.

A rescue team from Northeast Animal Rescue, which is based in China, got a call about a puppy found near the road.

The rescuers raced to the site and found a tiny puppy lying on the grass. When the puppy saw them, he ran into the bushes.

The rescue team followed the puppy. Then, they surprisingly found two more puppies waiting nearby. The puppies didn’t seem too scared of them. They just looked up at the rescuers as they approached them.

The rescuers went out to their car and got some food and water for the pups.

The puppies gulped down the water. It was clear that it had been a long time since they last had a drink.

NAR provided the puppies with some more water and food. The scene is heartbreaking as it looked like the puppies just tasted food for the first time. The puppies took their sweet time to satisfy their hunger and quench their thirst with NAR’s kind provisions.

The rescuers waited to see if a mom would appear, but one never did.

The rescuers spent a long time waiting to see if the puppies’ mom would come. However, as time passed, no mother dog came back to the area for them. Then, the team sadly had to assume that the mother was gone, which was why these poor pups were starving.

The rescue team decided to take the puppies home with them.

They realized that there was no hope of finding their mom so they decided to take them away from the environment they were in. They brought the dogs back to their headquarters and bathed them well. One of NAR’s members named them Panther, Bear, and Myna.

The puppies were groomed and were carefully treated at the center. They were then ready to be introduced to their temporary new home.

At the end of the video, you could see them comfortably huddling on a single doggy bed. Surely, these poor puppies do not have to worry about food and water anymore. Now, NAR is hoping to give them a home where they get all the love and affection that they deserve.

We’re so glad that these puppies were found by these kind rescuers. If you want to show support to their shelter, you could share this video and consider donating to their organization.

Check out the video of the puppy rescue below!

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