
“It broke our hearts … and we wanted to bring him into our home so that he would never feel scared and alone again”❤️️❤️️❤️️

Odyn was very, very young when he somehow ended up at a shelter in Kansas. Being in a big, noisy shelter can be a jarring experience for any dog, especially for a puppy as young as Odyn was. The little puppy was so scared of everything, including people and other dogs, that the shelter decided he was unadoptable — and put him on the euthanasia list.

Luckily, rescuers from The Misfits Dog Rescue in Colorado found out about Odyn and his plight, and drove all the way from Colorado to Kansas to pull him from the shelter and take him into their care.

Odyn was still nervous and shy when he arrived at his foster home in Colorado, but he bonded with his foster parents quickly, proving that he was completely capable of forming connections and rising above his fears. The rescue began posting about him on its website, and before long, a family who had recently just moved into the area came across his picture.

“We were actually in a hotel waiting for our apartment to become available when I found Odyn’s picture online,”. “I showed my husband, and we both fell in love with him. It broke our hearts knowing that someone was going to euthanize him and we wanted to bring him into our home so that he would never feel scared and alone again.”

As soon as they realized that Odyn was meant to be their dog, the couple quickly contacted the rescue and got the adoption process started. Once Gasp and her husband were settled into their new home, Odyn’s foster parents brought him over for a visit to meet them. Even though he was nervous at first, he eventually relaxed a little bit, and took some time to get to know his new parents and dog sibling.

“Our current dog, Luna, was so excited to have him there,” Gasp said. “She ran around like crazy trying to get him to play with her, but he was super shy and wanted nothing to do with her. He was very reluctant to leave his foster parents’ sides, but he gradually did and explored our whole home. After they left, I literally cried because I was so happy about getting to adopt him.”

Despite his nervousness and shy demeanor, Gasp and her husband still wanted to adopt Odyn, as they knew he deserved a chance to have a home where he could grow into himself. In December, they made his adoption official — and Odyn immediately fell in love with his new life and family.

“Odyn quickly warmed up to Luna and he showed zero fear towards us,” Gasp said. “He was just an average curious and playful puppy. I truly believe that the shelter that was going to euthanize him never gave him a chance to show his true colors.”

Now, months later, Odyn is absolutely thriving in his new home. He and his sister Luna have become inseparable, and spend every moment of every day running and playing together. He loves going on hikes with his family, and runs up to every new person he sees to ask for attention and belly rubs. He is no longer afraid of everything, and just needed the perfect family to help bring out the confidence he always had inside of him.

“He is such a good boy and has completed our family,” Gasp said. “It is amazing how showing a little love and compassion to an animal will change their persona.”

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