
Some time ago, when a scared and skinny stray dog started appearing near this gas station and the staff there did more than just take notice.

Though the pup was skittish at first, showing signs of mistreatment, they worked to gain his trust.

“We fed him, bathed him and got him vaccinated,” Gerardo Aguilar, the station’s owner, told The Dodo. “We adopted him. Now he lives here, and is cared for by all the workers.”

The staff named their new canine colleague Randy — but little could anyone have guessed the heroic way that sweet pup would repay them for their kindness.

One evening this week, two armed robbers arrived at the station and demanded the attendant on duty to open up the office where money is kept. They began to assault the worker, punching him and knocking him to the ground.

But he wasn’t outnumbered for long.

Randy, who had been sleeping in the station’s warehouse, was evidently woken by the commotion — and without delay, came rushing in to drive the assailants away.

Here’s that dramatic moment caught on surveillance video: