
One of the characteristics of human beings is our ability to make friends and relate to people different from those in our family environment and although we believe that this is only human, the truth is that these ties extend to animals. .

While it is true that there are some rules of nature that say things like “cats and dogs do not get along” or that cats eat mice, the truth is that in life there are always exceptions and in the images that You will see below, you will know the rare friendship between very different animal species.

A cow, a bunny and a hen who spend their time chatting about life

For those who believe that Peter and cats hate each other, here is proof that it is false

Nothing more beautiful than this puppy and a baby deer understanding each other perfectly

Friendship is not measured by resemblance and to show this elephant having fun with his friend the dog

A Halloween as tender as it is scary

These puppies have been best friends for many years

Apparently what the ferret is telling this German shepherd is extremely interesting

We do not know if the puppy thinks he is a goat or the goat thinks he is a puppy

A rescued squirrel that created a bond of friendship with the cat that already inhabited that home

Special links though a bit inexplicable

Although cats are usually independent, apparently this friend depends a lot on the cow

We don’t know how but these two get along very well

They are both such friends that even in mischief they are together

This puppy and the raccoon are inseparable

This is probably the cutest picture you’ll see today

Of all the friendships that exist, this is the least peculiar

All very nice but … I would not approach white

The Untold End of Tom and Jerry

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