
Some people go above and beyond to help animals in need. Colorado accountant, Steve Greig definitely fits into that category. After a personal tragedy, he began taking in unwanted senior dogs, discarded livestock, and the occasional pocket pet.

His current menagerie of misfits consists of ten dogs, a pig named Bikini, a rabbit named Stuart, a chicken named Betty, and a turkey named Tofu.

The Loss Of A Dear Friend

By all accounts an average guy, Greig grew up in a family of animal lovers, a passion that followed him into adulthood. As a young man he always had three or four dogs of his own, but one in particular stole his heart.

Wolfgang was Greig’s best buddy and constant companion for more than 12 years until a heartbreaking accident ended his life.

“When he was killed by a car it was one of the single most devastating things in my life,” Greig writes in an Instagram post. “To give his death meaning I started adopting senior dogs on death row, the dogs that were getting overlooked but still had so much life yet to give. I know he lives on through each one of them.”

It All Begins With Eeyore

The first of these rescue pups was an elderly Chihuahua named Eeyore with severe joint problems and a heart murmur. Greig selected him by going to his local shelter and asking for their “least adoptable” dog.

While Eeyore was the first, he would certainly not be the last. Greig made it his mission to give Wolfgang’s untimely death meaning by saving multiple dogs in need.

Over the years, many dogs have come and gone, living out their final days in joy and love as part of Greig’s pack. Although he mourns the loss of each one, he says senior dogs are definitely worth the eventual heartbreak.

“They’re just wiser animals. You kind of know what you want out of life once you become a certain age. These dogs know who they are, and it’s easy to develop a relationship with a person or pet who knows who they are.”

Pigs, Chickens

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