
In Greece, the number of stray dogs runs into the millions. Some of these dogs land with a good chance and are rescued and possibly adopted, and given their large numbers, the sick and the less fortunate come first. In this case, the rules have changed!

This pretty lady went to the beach with her dogs, and that’s where something really amazing happened. On the beach, she came across this cute stray dog ​​who seemed to really like people. this innocent creature needed care and attention from someone.

She needed someone to rescue her from the life she was living and be loved.

“It was one afternoon that I saw her for the first time, approaching us, wagging her tail. She had seen us from afar and, desperately seeking someone to come with, she joined with the four of us and tried to start getting used to her new life”

The woman then lured the cold canine into her car and drove off with her. She named her Bleue, such a beautiful name

Very quickly, the beautiful Bleue fell for gold and was adopted by a loving mother from Holland, and she is doing very well. In fact, Bleue is training hard to become a therapy dog. How sweet!

“Her mom and I talk every day and Bleue has come a long way. My gut says she will do it like a therapy dog, but even if she doesn’t she will be having a great life. ”

It was then that she made a decision that was going to change the dog’s life forever … check more at the youtube video below and you will for sure just love this story of this beautiful dog and of course this wonderful lady who changed her life.

Pass on this beautiful story with your close friends. ?

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